Kia ora, this is a Piece of writing I have done recently about why a Marae is special to maori. Below my writing I have self assessed my writing and why I scored myself those numbers. What I found difficult was finding different ideas that all link to the same topic. I need work on a lot in my writing. I have learnt a lot in writing in this past year.
The Marae: A special place in the community.
A marae is a special place to all maori for particular reasons, special occasions and celebrations are one of the main things a marae is used for, what everyone should know inside and around on the grounds of a marae is the tikanga and kawa that will keep our ancestors history alive. Art is all around a marae, telling different stories and how they all connect back to the marae.
A marae is a special place to maori because of the celebrations they have, special occasions including birthdays, family reunions, weddings and even heavy hearted occasions like tangi. It’s always good to have a family get together every once in awhile so nobody loses contact with any family around New Zealand or even around the world, making new connections with family members that you have not ever met in your life.
A marae is significant to maori because of the tikanga used at all marae. Everyone gets taught at a young age not to jump around on the mattresses and pillows, no eating in the wharenui, no walking over people, no shoes allowed to be worn in this marae and heaps of other things we can and can’t do. Walking into a marae while the kaumatua or kuia are speaking or singing waiata is also really disrespectful. Knowing all the tikanga will help us and keep us all safe in our cultural heritage because this is how our tupuna were once raised.
From the first view of the marae to the little steps you take to get inside the whare, art will be surrounding you all over. The carvings on the walls and all over the room all tell their own stories about the marae they are sitting at today. All the different carvings that hold the walls together in and around the marae will keep us safe while being under that roof.
A special place to all maori is the marae, from celebrations to making connections to learning and knowing the tikanga around the grounds of a marae and even all the precious carvings all over a marae. A marae is a place to cheerios memories with family from near and far, a place for almost any homeless to stay, it is a place anyone can call home.
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